

Design, implement and integrate water solutions to modernize and bring governments closer to their citizens; facilitating user care and service, collection processes and creating new reinvestment opportunities to create social impact.

Administrative Management

The best technological platform, integral to the budgetary, accounting and asset management of financial, material and human resources of the three levels of government. It is the most flexible solution, accepts changes in a timely manner, expands the institutional scope, improves information exchange capacity, facilitates and improves taxpayer services, transparency and accountability. It supports the modernization of tax administrations through the use of information technologies.

Citizen Attention

Implementation of a Single Window to simplify, standardize and automate the processes of each of the procedures that are carried out, in order to reduce service times and make it easier for citizens to carry them out, as well as to increase revenue collection and eradicate corruption.


Implement integral solutions, incorporating state-of-the-art technology to strengthen the performance of security corporations.


Ideal technology is available that works as a lever to improve mobility in cities.


The use of information technologies in the teaching/learning processes, from the implementation of internet networks, social networks, cloud-based tools, allowing collaborative projects.